City Councils, Smart Cities and PolisHUB. What do they have in common?

City Councils, PolisHUB and Smart Cities

The Citizen.

This is why Municipalities were created, with the mission of defining and executing policies that promote the development of the Municipality in different domains.

Currently, municipalities have responsibilities in the areas of social welfare; civil protection; promoting development; spare time, transport, sports; education; culture and science; housing; territorial and urban planning; rural and urban equipment; the maritime domain; the patrimony; external cooperation; consumer protection; energy; environmental action; communications; municipal police; sanitation, and health.

All these areas are managed by different departments, whose people work diligently and with dedication to promote the municipality’s development and the citizen’s well-being.

The challenges are magnified when the tools these teams use are outdated and do not take advantage of the digital transformation, one of today’s biggest catalysts of change, which enables municipalities to provide quality services to a growing number of citizens.

Given the forecast “World Urbanization Prospects” report published by the United Nations that in 2050 nearly 70% of the populations will be clustered around urban clusters, whether they are called cities or population clusters, it is clear that cities will play an increasingly central role in the countries’ economic and social development. Cities are increasingly asserting themselves as true ecosystems where people live and work, where businesses operate, and where many services are provided.

According to the Smart Cities Guide, “Cities with a Future” the Smart City concept emerged two decades ago to address sustainability concerns occurring in cities, focusing primarily on energy efficiency and the reduction of carbon emissions.

An effective use and management of resources poses significant technological and social challenges, and the concept of SMART was born to address these challenges. However, its development is based on a thorough reflection on concepts as territory, technology and innovation, because only thus the cities and urban surroundings may have the ability to develop their activities in a sustainable and integrative manner, thus not only improving the efficiency of the city, but the quality of life of its citizens.

It is not uncommon for the concept of “Smart Cities” to be pictured as “futuristic” and “hyper-technological” cities. Technology should not be perceived as the end, but rather as the mean to provide the services to citizens, enabling an interactive communication between citizens and city administration, thus providing the necessary know-how to deliver the most suitable services to meet current and future needs, in a faster, more convenient, and accurate way.

This is where PolisHUB, the JamHUB Solutions software that ensures the optimization of a municipality’s management, comes in. By providing an integrated, dematerialized and citizen-centric environment, this application enables the higher quality of service, combined to a greater efficiency of the Municipality, thus the generation of higher value to the society, ensuring a more effective and efficiency vision of the Municipality.

Through some key functionalities, PolisHUB brings the municipality closer to its citizens and provides a faster, more convenient, and efficient answer to their needs.

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